JBZ Dairy Advantage Milking parlors and DeLaval VMS Robotics


Become More Efficient & More Profitable with the Right Equipment

Dairy Farmers work hard to make a living and take care of their families, and once in a while their job can get easier and more profitable – with the installation of new milking equipment. When the right equipment is carefully chosen and properly installed, it can make for a lot less work and essentially pay for itself – and then some! But we understand that it needs to pencil out, and we’re happy to help provide the information needed to make a wise decision that will accomplish those goals.

Parlors, Tie Stall Pipelines or VMS Robotics - What's Best for Your Dairy Farm?

Perhaps a dairy farmer has a tie stall pipeline and wants to expand their herd to become more profitable; we can help you do that. That could mean extending the pipeline and adding stalls to the existing pipeline, or it could mean removing the old pipeline and putting in a new one. We can do both. Or what if the dairyman or woman wants to change the kind of milking facility and build a Parlor or put in VMS Robots? We can do that too.

What about adding in a herd of goats, sheep, or water buffalo and shipping two different kinds of milk? We’ll provide you with options as well as the advice and expertise to choose between them.

The hard work of dairy farmers makes ours possible, and our hard work makes theirs better. We serve each other.

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